When I get an idea for an art piece – it usually comes in a flash. I see the whole image including the lighting in my mind’s eye. I then make a quick rough sketch. When I’m ready to do a finished piece, I usually draw on tissue paper; then I lay another tissue on top of that and redraw my idea. I then transfer that drawing onto a flat stone or a special sheet of metal coated with zinc. I prefer the metal because I can draw right reading, and the image prints right reading whereas on the stone the image prints backwards..
Some of my prints are serigraphs (silk screen) or wood cuts. If color is added – it’s done by hand with watercolors or pastels. The most I print of an edition is 250 impressions. All prints are on a high quality paper and acid free. The actual image areas of the prints vary. All the prints when matted fit standard frame sizes: 8 x 10, 11 x 14. 16 x 20 inches.
Thank you for checking my web site; hopefully you see something you like. Be sure to check back again, there will be new artwork from time to time.
All artwork copyright Wayne Hunt Huebner. All rights reserved.